Tasha Tudor Christmas gift at a bargain

December 20, 2013
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Throughout her extraordinary career as an author and illustrator of some of the most delightful children’s stories, Tasha Tudor was careful to incorporate all that is lovely into each of her enthralling works. This task meant, of course, that Christmas and cats could not be exempt from her wonderful works in children’s literature. This most necessary […]

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The Charles Dickens Christmas Stories

December 13, 2013
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What would the Christmas season be without A Christmas Carol? A Charles Dickens’s Christmas Carol, that is. The beloved story which was adopted into film a few times and is frequently staged during the holiday season in a theatrical production near you captures the essence of the Christmas spirit. The book itself is the world’s […]

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Paul Éluard’s poetry that inspired surrealism

December 6, 2013
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Before surrealism was officially founded in 1924 when André Breton wrote Le Manifeste du Surréalisme, a group of young writers that included Paul Éluard, André Breton, Louis Aragon and Philippe Soupault, were active in the Dadaist movement.  It was during this time that French poet Paul Éluard, in collaboration with German Dadaist Max Ernst, produced […]

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Speculations on the sale of the Bay Psalm Book

November 22, 2013
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 …And the world’s most expensive book sale in the history of book trades goes to the Bay Psalm Book owned by the Old South Church. It sold for 33 million US dollars to the auction’s high bidder: the new owner of the rare first book to be printed in America, billionaire collector of biblical books, […]

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Tweet, tweet, blurb, blurb

November 8, 2013
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In 1906, an American humorist by the name of Gelett Burgess authored the book “Are You a Bromide?” On the back of its dust jacket the book featured a picture of a young, fictional woman Miss Belinda Blurb,  in the act of blurbing – “YES, this is a ‘BLURB’!” And so the term “blurb” was coined. […]

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Bay Psalm Book – Most expensive book sale ever?

November 1, 2013
Thumbnail image for Bay Psalm Book – Most expensive book sale ever?

One of the greatest artifacts of American history, The Whole Booke of Psalmes, commonly known as the Bay Psalm Book, will be auctioned at 7pm on the 26th day of this month at Sotheby’s in New York. The 6-by-5-inch hymnal book’s estimated value was raised by 10 million dollars since the end of last year […]

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Codex Seraphinianus rare again?

October 25, 2013
Thumbnail image for Codex Seraphinianus rare again?

Ever since the Codex Seraphinianus was first published in 1981, the book has been recognized as one of the weirdest and most enigmatic art books ever created. Luigi Serafini , the book’s author and illustrator has also taken on projects as an architect, ceramist, glazier, painter, sculptor, designer, opera director, set designer, and critic. As […]

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Eleanor Vere Boyle (1825-1916)

October 18, 2013
Thumbnail image for Eleanor Vere Boyle (1825-1916)

Eleanor Vere Boyle was a painter and illustrator whose arresting technique was influenced by the pre-Raphaelites. Her best works were simultaneously moody, immensely detailed, and haunting. Dante Gabriel Rosetti admired her art, and called her “great in design.” She is one of the earliest woman artists to be recognized for her achievements, although she kept […]

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Pumpkin Moonshine for Halloween

October 11, 2013
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     As the trees gradually don their brilliant hues of blazing reds, oranges and golden yellows, a crisp air blows throughout the terrain, powerfully signifying that autumn has descended upon New England. In the distance, a flock of southbound geese carry out their song to the sky, of departure for warmer climates. In response to […]

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Rare Book Sale Monitor update – 3rd Quarter 2013

October 4, 2013
Thumbnail image for Rare Book Sale Monitor update – 3rd Quarter 2013

As every statistician or analytics professional in today’s environment can affirm, collecting the information is crucial, but not enough, since most of data’s value lies in its use.  While information is getting increasingly complex and there is certainly more of it, technology is actually helping unearth some of the insights hidden in the raw data […]

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