About Rare Books Digest
Rare Books Digest is an educational and informational site on rare, old and antiquarian books. It is the home of the Rare Books Sale Monitor (RBSM), a data analysis and reporting service focusing on current rare book market trends.
The site is supported by contributions from academic and business institutions and individuals. We employ a group of data warehouse engineers that collect, organize and analyze rare book sales from a variety of channels. The results of this analysis are posted quarterly as part of our RBSM feature report.
Our articles include works on various rare book topics by international experts. We have recently posted contributions by the following writers:
- Eleni Kovaiou – Philologist, head department of rare books, University of Crete.
- Tom Lupient – Book historian and freelance writer. The Bookworm.
- Andre Chevalier – Teacher, Georges Duby High School.
- Laurent Ferri – Curator, pre-1800 Collections Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Kroch Library (Cornell).
- Alexandros Deligiorgis – Bibliodesia Athens, Greece.
- Admin – James Sekkes, Data Scientist, Bibliophile.
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{ 234 comments… read them below or add one }
Good afternoon,
I have an 1879 The Life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and of His Virgin Mother Mary. Benziger Brothers.
And I am looking to see what it is worth?
If you pictures or other information please contact me.
Thank You
I have a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica 15th Edition. It also has the year recap book included. It has been boxed up in our closet for over 30 years,
The books are in good condition. We are moving and found them and don’t need to take them with us. I looked on Ebay and these sets are selling for around $200. Will sell for $75 plus shipping. Please contact me @ [email protected].
Hello! I have a book that isn’t very old but I get the feeling is rare. I have an advanced reader proof of A Court of Thorns and Roses that is signed. It is a relatively worn book and the signature is “To Merideth”. The book is from 2014 before the sales of the book began.
I have this book selected poems and tales of Edgar Allan Poe copyright 1906
I have a copy of ” The Perpetuity of the Earth” by John Lillie, published in 1842 by John Moffet. It is a hardcover in excellent condition. I cannot find another original copy. There are many that were reproduced from the “artifact.”
Does anyone know its value and its rarity? Thank you very much.
As you know there are no comparables to base an estimate on. Lilie’s published works are not numerous, but highly creditable. He wrote The Perpetuity of the Earth when he was about to retire from being the editor of the Jewish Chronicle. Copies of the oldest continuously published Jewish newspaper in the world, from around Lillie’s period are selling around $100. This is about the only work by Lillie that we have a record on pricing. There are 43 copies of the book housed at various libraries.
My best guess is that your book is worth between $250 and $500. At auction it could go much higher given that it is such a unique article.
Hope this helps.
I have a copy of Poe’s Poems published 1864 at Donohue, Henneberry & Co. in Chicago . It’s brown with silver floral “frame “ on cover which is in good shape . It’s stamped by person who first bought it in 1864. Pages inside are not in good shape -meaning that pages are dry so fragile and separated from spine but all there and if handled with care is all fully readable . Would this be of value ? Thank you
I have a 1905 volume 3
The adventures of Oliver Twist.
The front cover is not attached I do have it but the book is in good condition
Can anyone tell me if it’s worth anything .
I have a book by S.M. Merrill The Second Coming Of Christ copyright Walden and Stowe 1879 relation to Millennium, The Resurrection, And The Judgement does anyone know the value
Is anyone familiar with a printing of Struggles and Triumphs: Or, The Life of P.T. Barnum……Knopf, 1927 that has mostly blank pages? This is a 2 volume set; online versions of this appear to be intact. Our two volumes both contain an introductory (not the lengthy introduction in the online version of this title) and the first chapter only. The text in both volumes is exactly the same, but the illustrations are different. I’d appreciate any information you might be able to provide, or steer me towards. Thanks!
I have Five Louisa May Alcott books, Little Women, Rose in Bloom, Little Men, Jo’s Girls, and An Old Fashioned Girl. They are all red leather bound, just barely starting to fray on the top. They have black and white and colored plate pictures and are published between 1902 and 1925. They have only been in my immediate family and are in really great condition. I would like to sell them as I have no one to pass them down to.
Could you possibly tell me what they are worth and who might be willing to purchase them?
Thank you.
Jo-Ann Bafaro
I have a 1670 KJV printed by John Hayes. There are words in it that are not found in modern KJV bibles such as “guerdon”.
It is in rough condition but still useable. The leather covered boards (I think they’re leather) are still attached, the pages are still bound.
I have about 80 pics, low resolution so they can load quickly, as well as the original sized pictures.
It is for sale, $1,320. negotiable.
Have this book
A Tale of Christ by Lew Wallace…
Could you send me more info about this, please?
Thank you,
Scott Jones
1911 Eleventh Edition Encyclopedia Britannica Black leather with gold lettering. Good /very good condition. Looking for buyers.
I have an 1853 testament and psalms pocket addition book I found in the wall of my house and was wondering how much it might be worth?
I have hardback copy of Little Women by L.M. Alcott – green with four young ladies and palm fronds on the front. It’s signed by the author and the inside cover says “London: David Bogue, 3, St. Martin’s Place, Trafalgar Square. In the back it says: London: printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross”. I can’t find anything like it to compare. How do I find it’s value?
I have a best in children’s books copyright 1959, by nelson Doubleday,inc. Garden city new York. 26
I was wondering what its value is.
I have an old small 6.5”x5” red hard covered book of Little Women. The front cover has a round wreath (without the name Little Women inside the wreath.) The spine has Little Women with a small heart underneath and Louisa M Alcott under the heart.
There isn’t a date in this book at all. T.Nelson & Sons, Ltd.
Could you please provide information on this book as I can’t find it online anywhere.
Probably a reprint by a publisher specializing in reprints, back in the day.
Hello I have a Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist book. Ilustrated by Roland Gulgnard. It’s an unabridged edition of the text, which has been translated by Carl kolb. The book is in German language. There is no ISBN number or any dates in the book. There is a paper cover on it – the book is in green cloth. Copyright by Atlantis – Verlag AG, Zurich. Printed in Switzerland. I’ve looked on websites and can’t seem to find any information on it. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I have an original 1939 issue of the House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne hardcover and was just wondering how much it is worth? Thank you
I have a copy of a translation of the ancient Chinese classic, “The Dream of The Red Chamber” It was printed in the U.S. in the 19 thirties. Is there an evaluation of its worth? Also, have a copy of the rare “Hebrew is Greek” by Yahuda. Also what is its worth today?
I have a set of 9 books that I need to sell: Dicken’s Works. I did not find a date. The publisher is S.A. Maxwell & Co. Chicago. The books are illustrated by F. Mahoney. They are in good condition for their age. Do you know of a reputable buyer or can you provide any more information like a date or how many copies were made?
I have a copy of Pride and Prejudice that was published by The Century Co. in Nov. 1902. How much is it worth? The hardcover book is in excellent condition too.
I am enjoying reading a book that I just acquired called BARRACK ROOM BALLADS by Rudyard Kipling. It was published in Chicago by Donohue & Henneberry & Co. There is no copy write date and is in quite good condition for its age. Is there any value on this book? Thanks for your time, Kathy.
I have a hardcover book-LONGFELLOW’S POEMS. no publishing date, just Donohue, Henneberry & co. Chicago. Handwritten name Gena E Monroe, June29, 1896
I have just come across a little book entitled ‘The Young Churchman’s Companion to the Prayer Book’ edited by the Rev. J.W.Gedge M.A. published in 1899 by Longmans Green and Co., London. A small hardback book with a reddish brown cover, measuring only 10cm x 15cm, it is in lovely condition but I cannot find so much as a trace of it anywhere online. I believe there is a modern reprint. Can anybody help me determine whether it has any value?
Many thanks in keen anticipation
I have the same book but no inscription so no date to go by. Did anyone show any interest in your book?
I have what looks like a copy of the original Austen peacock edition rebound. Beautiful boxed binding with original cover bound in at back. It came from the collection of a great uncle. Not sure what I’ve got.
I have two hardcover Emerson books I’m wondering the value of:
1. Emerson’s poems, published by the Henneberry Co.
2. Representative Men; Nature, Addresses and Lectures. Published by David McKay in 1892.
Thank you for your time!
I have a copy of The 39 steps, John Buchan pocket book edition published July 1940, 1st printing: July 1949. It is complete but the outer cover is a bit worn. Is it worth any money.
I have The Complete Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson illustrated with Eight Woodbury=type Photographs, Reproduced from Gustave Doré’s Famous Drawings and Bound by Ward, Lock & Bowden , Limited, London, 1895
I have a copy of The Origin of Species, 1898, Chicago GEO. M. Hill Co. in good condition, I’d say 7/8 out of 10. Any thoughts on what its worth?
I have three Wister books. Printed in 1884 and 1885. Original hardcover.
What is the value?
I have a copy of Essays by R.W. Emerson, First Series, printed in Chicago by Donohue, Henneberry & Company. The book is cloth bound in brown. The cover has an ivy and torch design embossed in black. The spine has ‘Emerson’s Essays’ on a gold band at the top and the ivy design runs down the spine. Halfway down the spine ‘Advance Edition’ is printed in black. At the bottom ‘First Series’ is printed in black and below that ‘Donohue, Henneberry & Company’ in black with an open wreath with a bow at the bottom. The book is in pretty good condition with a tight spine, the pages have aged to a light tan, no tears or creases. Can you give me an idea how much this book is worth? Thank you
i have a CYR’S Fifth Reader 1902. in good condition. worth ?
I have just acquired and older book. It has no date that i can find. Title “Puck” Edited by Ouida. Part I. It has a redish cover with black leaves and a black torch on the cover. The Spine has Puck / Ouida on a gold strip. It also states “Advance Edition”.
Any idea on value?
I have a hardcover copy of Edward Young’s Night Thoughts On Life, Death and Immortality, published 1856 by Thomas Nelson and Sons, London, Edinburgh & New York. It seems to be leather-bound with all edge gilt. Age tanning on some pages, binding very good. Could anyone suggest what it is worth please?
Hi, I have a copy of “Diui Aurelii Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi in psalmorum primam quinquagenam explanatio” Printed in 1529 in Paris, by Regnault. The first two leafs are missing, it has a few wormholes here, and there, and it looks like someone lightly applied a clear coat to the cover repairing it. What would you value that at?
Our school has the book “Sixty Centuries of Human Progress” Volume 8 2417-2762 Printed in 1901 by New York and Chicago Union Book Company. The pages are in good condition. The cover is a little worn. Value?
I have a complete works of Charles Dickens – in excellent condition dated 1894. I also have the complete works of Thackeray, and dated 1903. I need to sell them but don’t know where to turn. Do you have some advice for me?
Thank you.
“Sexual Relations of Mankind” by professor Paolo Mantegazza, Falstaff Press, NY. 1932
What is it’s value?
I have Volume I of Chronicles, News of the past in the Days of the Bible, The Reubeni Foundation, 1970. It is in very good condition.
Hello, I have several books from the 60’s from the Parent’s Magazine Press Children’s books. Do they have a value? Miss Suzy, Alexander, Never Tease a Weasel, etc.
I have The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin, Second Edition, published by Appleton and Co. 1883. Condition good. Value?
I have an first addition 1925 .the following of christ in four books .3 in by4 inches by Thomas a kemps.printed in Czechoslovakia in mint condition.would like to sell.
Hello i many many many books that are signed by various authors but my question is this i have a half leather bound book called Men of Georgia the hard cover on the from is carved with a seal of some sort and what about The Berkshire Hills this book has many newspaper articles from that era but i am having a hard time finding info on both of those so thank you for your time and knowledge!
I would like to know the Value of a A. L. Burt Company First Publisher’s Edition of A. Conan Doyle’s The White Company
I have great expectations by Charles dickens printed in 1939 it is written inside the book 12/1100
I have a second edition, oxford and clarendon press 1926 edition of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice book and was wondering if it was of any value?
I have a exhibit catalog from Alberto Burri From Palm Springs sign and number
I would like to know the value of and if there is any importance to a 1927 Close Up magazine with Gertrude Stein story “Three Sitting Here” and “Sketches for Studio Sets” by K. Macpherson etc? Thanks very much for returning my inquiry.
Cost 1 Shilling
5 Francs
1 Mark
25 Cents
Jean A. Cleary
Hi. I have a copy of Miss Suzy by Miriam Young. The first 12 pages and last 13 pages are correct. The rest of the 16 pages are upside down with the pages in reversed order – the last of them begin at the end of the first good 12 pages and the beginning of the upside down ones are at the beginning of the last 13 good pages. The upside down pages would be in correct order if they were not upside down.
Is the book of any value?
Thanks 🙂
I enherited a book of Socrates , in fair condition considering its age. The age is DCXVIII. I think that is the year of 1660.
Hello, I have a book written by the Rev William Robertson (1805 – 1882 minister of New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, Scotland) Title on spine of book is ‘Gibraltar and the Peninsula” Full title is “Residence at Gibralter and a visit to the peninsula in the summer and autumn of 1841. An extensive search of Major libraries in the UK by COPAC including 24 major university research libraries plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland have failed. Quote ” The book does not appear here, which would suggest that it is indeed rare.
I subsequently found that the Library of Congress Online catalogue has a copy in the Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms. Call Number: DP295 R648. years owned this book for 58 years. I would be most grateful if you could you possibly help with any other copies or value, if any. I reside in Perth WQestern Australia.
Kind regards, A K Hewitt
First edition of Alcoholics Anonymous 16th(final) printing. Great shap
I have an Alcoholics Anonymous, First Edition, Fourth Printing Book that I would really like to get appraised and sell. Thank you for your time.
The House of Seven Gables, by Nathaniel Hawthorne no publishing date anywhere inside the book
“Gold”? lettering on spine: Title, Author, and at bottom of spine in same gold? lettering says COLLECTOR’S EDITION
Pocket Books Inc., New York HardBack Good Condition
How does one find out the value of this book? Do you have an approximation of its value???
I have 32 Volumes of Charles Dickens from publisher Houghton, Mifflin &Co 1894. Can you please tell how much it’s worth. All books are in Good Condition.
I have Vol. 50 No. 2 May 15, 1915 issue of The Literary Digest. It contains duplicate printed pages. Why am I not able to find any information on this particular Vol. and No.?
I have a 2nd edition volume 2 hard leather back of The American and English Encyclopedia of Law published in 1896 copy right 1896 Edward Thompson Co. Edited by Garland and McGehee under the supervision of James Cockcroft. It’s not a reprint. Do you know what kind of value this book holds? I’ve researched but can’t find any others out there. Thanks!
I have a hardbound book “Child-Library Readers…Primer thecElson Extention Seriesit is by William H Elsinore and Lura E. Runkel. Scott, Foresman and Company, copyright 1923. Thishas Robert O. Law and Company indie and the book is illustrated. Is this book rare
I have an old soft cover Watkins Cookbook. Copyright is 1926 The J. R. Watkins Company. It has illustrations. Is the book rare?
I have a hardbound book “Modern Priscilla Cookbook. Special, 1928 Subscription Edition Published by The Priscilla Publishing Company in Boston. Is this book rare?
I have a Hardbound book “ A Very Naughty Girl “ by Mrs. L. T. Meade it is MA Donohoe & Company it does not have a date but the book was given as a gift dated inside 12/25/14. How rare is this?
I have an illustrated hard bound called Queen Victoria…Her grand like and glorious reign. 1901 World Publishing co. Copyright 1901 by John Coulter. Is this rare
hi just wondering if this copy of great expectations is worth anything..oxford hard back think its 1927..
cxxv111 the works of Charles Dickens-V CAN SEND PICTURES
What is the value of an original copy of the January 1892 New England Magazine that contains the Yellow Wallpaper. This is for the actual monthly magazine and not a bound compilation.
I have a Hillis 1896 , A Man’s Value on Society and a Ballantyne 1864, Freak on the Fells both in good condition… is there any value to these books
I have an 1894 copy of why do you not believe by Andrew Murray in very good condition. What is the current value? Thank you
I have a third edition of the Development of English Literature and Language by ALFRED H. WELSH.Its In fair condition as it needs to be rebound. Is this a collectable book and is it worth anything? Any and all replies are Very APPRECIATED
Thank you Sue
I have a small pocket size book purple cover of The scarlet letter published in 1903. How do I find the value of this book?
I have a 1948 HC (less DJ) copy of Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada signed by Ansel Adams on the title page but unable to find another copy to judge it’s value. Any idea? …or where I can find another copy?
I would like to have some idea of what it may be worth. ~~~Thank You ~~~
Hi. I have a 1945 edition of Jane Erye in perfect condition. My friend told me that it may be worth something. Not sure who to ask so I thought I would start here.
26 Vol. hardbound with gold lettering and 24 karat guilding 1897 Library of the World’s Best Literature by R.S. Pearl and J.A. Hill
Looking for an approx value..mint condition came out of a law firm
I have a bible with a handwritten titelpage:concordantie maiores biblie tam declinabilium ac indeclinaabilium diligenter vise cum rectu…. and on last page of this huge book says: Impressæ ac per Joannem Petri de Landndorf et Joannem Froben de Hammelburgk swocios: Anno domini Millesimo quadringentessimo nonagessimosexto expliciunt.Can you put a market estimate in this book for men. It is 21 c. x 29 cm.(pages) and Band size is 23×31 cm. The book is bound in whole calf, with brass corners and locks. Boards are decorated with inisgnia of the Habsburger dynasty and the disciples of Jesu.
I have a forgotten book called art of conversation: giving hints, suggestions, and rules for cultivating and promoting pleasant social intercourse. This copy’s publish date is 1868 and is published by Cassell, Peter and Galpin. I can’t seem to find any information on this edition.
I have a hardback copy of Light On Free Masonry by Elder David Bernard, published by W. J. Shuey in Dayton Ohio, in 1858. I can’t find any information on its value or rarity. Any info would be appreciated.
Do you know if the book,
Light On Free Masonry, written by: Elder David Bernard and published by: W J Shuey in 1858, is of any value?
It does have value especially if it is in good condition.
The book is intact with no torn pages just aging, the pages are turning brown. There’s nothing on the cover or spine but it is hardback. Can you recommend anywhere close to Tupelo, MS to have it appraised?
I have a 1868 ‘ illustrated pronouncing pocket dictionary of the english language on the basis of Webster’
It has 250 engravings and was printed by william collins,sons and company, herriot hill, glasgow. Part of the collins series of illustrated dictionaries.
It appears to have been owned by Thomas Augustus Forbes Leith. He has written 4 addresses in the front page whilst he travelled around Australia 1863-1870 researching parrots.
All pages still bound. Old brown leather cover but a little dog eared at the corners
I was wondering the value of an Oliver Twist published by Thomas Nelson and Sons with an N on the cover, the illustrations have no print on the back of them, and I can not find a publishing date, illustrations by George Cruickshank cover is red
I have vol 1, 11 and 111 first additions of the voyages of the beagle and adventure by Charles Darwin , Fitzroy and King all with maps . Could you give me an idea of value .
i have found two books by Sir Walter Scott, The Talisman and The Bride of Lammer-more in an attic. They are small hardbacks, messuring 6 1/2 by 4 1/2. The covers are Red and have a indented mark on the front of a wreath in an L intertwined with an N. They were published by T. Nelson and Sons but have no date. On the inside cover it is inscribed in handwriting with the date 1913. Are these worth any value?
I came across a 1872(?) The little Child’s Bible picture book part III by Mrs. D.P. Sanford. I have been unable to find any information and was wondering if someone could give me some insight as well as possible value?
I have The British Motor Tourist’s A.B.C 1906 , its got leather and gilt cover , cant find listed anywhere on internet only google digital books any info ? please
I have the virginian first edition by owen wister illustrated by Rrthur I. Keller New York : Macmillan Company ; London : Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1902
Edition/Format: Print book: tan hardcover w red and gold letters Fiction : English : Set up and electrotyped April, 1902; reprinted June, twice, July, four times, August, three times, September, 1902
How much is it worth??
I have an April 1939 Alcoholics Anonymous book with dust cover and very little damage. Also a February 15th,1981 manuscript of Narcotics Anonymous which preceded the handbook copy. What would be current value of each?
I bought 4 volumes of Mark Twain Limp Leather series dating to the early 1900s. The book blocks are solid unmarked copies but the spine cover on all four are missing. Looks like cleanly cut from the books i.e. not torn or ripped. I have seen other books from time to time similarly missing the spine covers.
Any insight into why someone would destroy a book in this manner that is otherwise in good condition?
Thank you.
I recently bought a 1924 edition of Pride and Prejudice. Embossed brown cloth cover. Printed by Macmillan. It is the pocket series. Any value?
Thank you!
I have a copy of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, published in 1925 by H.S. Nichols. Precious Tomes VIII. There are two editions of all of these precious Tomes an ordinary edition which is pocket size ( which this one is) it is in mint condition green guilded boards in the original box (box has wear) I can not find any information anywhere on this edition. Any idea of the value?
I have an old copy of Pride and Predjudice. There is no copyright date, the pages are very fragile to where they cannot be turned. The cover is not leather-more of a fabric in an orange/reddish orange color. How could I find the approx date?
I have a 5 volume set Theology: Explained and Defended in a Series of Sermons by Timothy Dwight, S.T.D. L.L.D. Late President of Yale University, 1818-1819 depending on the volume. The volumes are in fair condition, covers intact but taped to keep them together.
What is the rarity and value of this set?
Common school dictionary of the English language.
By: William Webster/William Wheeler
Ivison Phinney Blakeman & company
1869 in good condition
I believe I have a rare book, a small book called The Hidden Garden of Prayer. It was written for children, first published in 1931 The book is written by “Edward D. Sedding”. IT IS ALSO SIGNED by “E.D. Sedding, S.S.J.E., Yours sincerely in Christ”. It appears that he wrote many other prayer and hymn books, ie;
Missionary Stories – 1921
Hallowed Be Thy Name – 1950+-
The Flame of Prayer – 1934
I have little information.:
Sedding became an ordained priest in 1909 and went to serve under Frank Weston as “The Bishop of Zanzibar”. From 1919 to 1923, the Reverend Edward Douglas Sedding was a Vicar of Freeland Church, Oxford. I believe that Edwards father and uncle were church architects.
On the first page of the book, there is another penned signature… “Victoria C. Ratcliffe, 1933”, I believe, the owner of the book at that time.
Ive a book called coronation 1902 is its worth anything
I purchased the lady of the lake by Sir Walter Scott printed 407-429 Dearborn street. Could you tell me it’s value?
I have a copy of Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, published by the MacMillan Co. It says ” Copyright, 1900
By the MacMillan Company
Set up and electrotyped. Published September 1900″ on the page just before the contents. Could you please give me an idea of its worth? Thank you!
I have a old book. Its titled, What would you do, love? A. Novel.
By the author of “what will the world say?”
Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co. St. Louis: Belford & Clarke publishing co.
1881. Hard cover brown, with a 13 prong star on front and back.
what is it worth.
I found a copy of Ivanhoe, A Romance …. Cassell and Company MCMII 1907 Is it worth preserving? I can’t find much on this book and for the age it’s in pretty decent shape. Thank you for any thing on this book including value.
I have an 1894 American edition of Jane Austen’s, Pride and Prejudice. It is the Peacock Edition and in very good condition. In my research to determine its history and value I have found numerous 1894 editions published by George Allen. I have also found many 1895 editions, that state, “The first edition in this form was printed in October, 1894. Reprinted March 1895”. Frustratingly, I have only found one other 1894 American edition and it was in very poor condition and the seller offered no pertinent information in their listing. On the title page of my Peacock Edition it states: 1894 ( in the tail of the Peacock); New York: Macmillan & Co; London: George Allen. There are no other publication dates listed. Any information you can give me on what appears to be a first American edition would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hey there .I have a copy of Higher English by J.N. Patrick copy right 1897 .any clue on value ? Great condition
I have a hardback book – The Freemason’s Monitor – published in 1868 by R.W. Carroll & Company Publishers. The author is Thomas Smith Webb. There is a handwritten sticker label inside the front cover of the book that says: T.G. Pike, Laurel, Ind, bought March 1869. The book/pages are intact, well read and cover is in fair condition. How can I find the value of this book?
Have Thousand and one nights dated 1856 vol 2 also kid napped Robert Louis Stevenson dated 1925
Hello, I purchased a book a few months ago. I might have paid more than its worth but I enjoyed it’s sweet, profound story. It is: *St. Therese* THE LIFEOFTHELITTLEFLOWER by the REVALBERT H. DOLAN, O.CARM. National Director Of The Society Of The Little Flower 5th edition, 1926. Chicago, Illinois. Could you please give me some idea of what it might be worth? Very good condition. I would appreciate direction. Thank you! J. W.
Good evening. I have 5 books from Charles Darwin 1897 Edition from Appleton Publishers in New York. All are in good condition with a red cloth binding. The books are the 2 Volume Set of “The Origin of Species”, “Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals”, “Life and Letters of Charles Darwin I” and “Descent of Man”. Curious as to the value. Thanks for anyone’s help.
I have a hardcover edition of Origin of Species that says 6th edition , Jan 1872, published by Rand, McNally & Company. This edition is two volumes in one and the cover has white flowers on it and I have not seen this before. I am looking for a value for this book. Few dings on the cover, no tears in the pages and no spills. Quite good condition
I have a very old copy of Pride And Prejudice printed by Cassel & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London. No date. It has four full-page illustrations by C. E. BROCK being. My reasons for marrying are (frontpeice), I have been most gratified indeed my dear sir (p 90), Will you do me the honour reading that letter (p 184) and Miss Bennet I insist on being satified (p 330).
It is not in good condition, brown pages, spine loose loks well loved but in one pice and all readable.
Lots of research and the closest I can come in discription is a follows: In 1913, Cassell and Company, Ltd. published a Pride and Prejudice edition (E 137 in Gilson). Apparently, it included a “frontispiece in colour and three other plates in black and white half-tone inserted,” all of them new (Gilson, 1997). Unfortunately, a copy of this edition seems untraceable.
Please help
i have a what looks like a late 17oos historian s dictionary Ive never seen any book like it this is what it says the historian’s pocket dictionary; annexing dates to the memorable occurrences; from the earliest period of history to the present time also the sovereigns of England and Scotland distinguished painters, &c. eminent men of all professions. at the bottom it says London printed for j.Murray no. 32, fleet street and g.and t. wilkie, no 71 st Paul,s Church yard please can you tell me anything about it and if it is worth anything as i would like to sell it its in very decent shape its just very old its bin in my family for many years thank you
I found a copy of Pride and Prejudice that is really old. It was printed by Cassell & Company La Belle Sauvage it has a colour plate on the front of Mr Darcy and Elizabeth and inside 3 black and white drawings by C.E. Brock. It is not the peacock edition. Help please
Just came across an 1868 edition of The Story Without an End. Has the 15 beautiful chromolithographs of Eleanor Vere Boyle. The cover is bevel-edged and green with a very intricate spider web holding a dragonfly in gold embossing. Is this a first edition and any idea of the value? Fair condition but the actual illustrations are in very good shape.
I purchased a copy of Emma (Jane Austen) a few years back. I have searched online for information about this particular edition with no results. If you could shed some light I would appreciate it.
Here is the description:
Hardcover with dark red (leather?) binding and greenish marbling on front and back cover.
Publisher Derby and Jackson in 1857. The last 6 or 7 pages appear to be a list of the publisher’s catalog.
What is a good copy of The Delineator May 1910 worth.
What an interesting website.
Hello, I have a Charles Darwin book with no publishing date, no edition, too old for an isbn number. Pages don’t line up vertically on the side but is in a pattern. Cover is navy, gold lettering on the side. There’s imprinting on the from with “ks” or “bs.” Literary classics, inc. New York. Any information really? I just inherited it
I have a book titled American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster (and two others) published in 1872. In my opinion it’s in poor condition, but wondering if you can help me with a value.
Seeking approx estimate on set of books written by Charles Dickens published in 1858 perhaps 4 to 5 say volume lV need to get to be exact, as i placed them in safe place while moving. I know David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol, Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations are included in this set, how can I find a correct value?
I have a leather bound pocket-size book, “Cleaveland’s Pronouncing Medical Lexicon,” 33rd Edition, published 1889. Can anyone advise as to the possible value?
I have the blue book magazine vol 46 no 2 December 1927. Beginning a new novel of Tarzan by Edgar rice Burroughs. I was just wonderin what the value of it would be?
I have a hardcopy book (no dust jacket) and it is titled “Christmas Stories” by Charles Dickens. Published in Chicago by Donohue, Henneberry & Co. No.407-425 Dearborn Street. I have been unable to find any information on this book and would like to know a publishing date and what it would be worth. Many thanks.
I found a set of three Bibles with family Records of the weatherill Family In Pennsylvania I found them here in Florida doing a clean out of an estate it has weddings births and deaths dating from 1844-1890 sign to Samuel Wetherill from his sister 1859 are these worth anything Am i technically allowed to sell them
Hello, I have a copy of the Forgotten Books of Eden Edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr first edition, published 1927.
Could you give me an approximate value?
Thanks for your time.
First edition, limited to 2500 copies with it’s dust jacket around $100.
I purchased a “The Origin of Species” book in mint shape. It was published by literary classics, has 375 pages, and has a blue cloth-like cover with gilt on the spine. There is no publication date. In the Appendix, they mention the dates of when the first and second edition of the book was published. Any idea of year of publication/edition, if not where to look to identify this information, and what it may be worth? Thank you for your time.
Literary Classics reprint around 1910, no significant value.
I have an entire collection of hard bound Harper’s Magazines from the 1800’s in excellent condition that belonged to my grandmother.
Any value for these?
Many thanks!
In excellent condition, early volumes are quite valuable.
Hello there,
I have a three volume set of the novel Ivanhoe by Walter Scott.
The volumes are dated 1820 and i believe are 1st editions.
They are all in very good condition.
The marbled boards are good as are the leather spines.
There is one problem though! Volume one is missing its second last page.
I wanted to ask you how would this affect overall value for this set of books.
Thanks for your time.
I have a Pocket Medical Lexicon published 1883
I have a 1908 copy of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Published by Cassell and Company, LTD. Is in fair condition, has both front and back covers, hard back. It has some wear and tear, looks like there is a small amount of water damage. Could you give me an approximate value?
Water damage reduces the price significantly especially on a reprint. Cassell and Company has published prior editions of Pride and Prejudice.
I also have 1897 Volumes 1 and 2 of Origin of Species – Darwin. Mint condition. Value?
John Murray London edition is of higher value than the D. Appleton & Company of New York edition. $200 or more.
I have an 1894 edition of The Descent of Man – Darwin. Very good condition. Value?
John Murray second edition selling for $200.
The Holiest of All, Andrew Murray, 1898. London, James Nisbet &Co. blue hardback, very good condition w one loose page
The Training of the Twelve, AB Bruce, 1894, very good condition except for loose spine. Brown hardcover. Does it have good value?
McBeth 1899 hard back, real good condiction value? And a couple of other rare books some with the name Mary J. Bell written in felt pen signed to her but looking for whom she was/is.
“The book of Jesus”, copyright 1949 by Ellen G. White. Its in excellent condition with no visible wear n tear. Can u give me an estimated value?
I have an 1964 first edition of readers digest Dictionary & encyclopedia in three volume, printed from oxford university. Value?
I bought a book of Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species and The Descent of Men…published by Literary Classics, distributed by Randon House and bound by H. Wolff… Also, its manufactured in New York….any value?
I have “A Journal Comparing sn account of the loss of the Brig Cimmerce, of Hartford (con.) James Riley Master, Upon the western coast of Africa, August 28th 1815” etc. by Archibald Robbins. It is the eughteenth edition published 1825 bySilas Andrus NY. The cover is brown leather, maps included. and the blank page states Alexander Flemmings , his book. Do you know the value?
I have a copy of 1868 High School Dictionary of the English Language by William Webster and William Wheeler. Published by Ivison, Blakeman, and Company. Front and back covers are pretty worn out and pages are yellowing, but not real bad.
I also have a copy from 1925 of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos. Published by Boni and Liveright. In pretty decent condition.
Any value to these 2 books?
The 1925 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes may be quite valuable depending on edition/printing and on whether it still has its dust jacket.
Hello i have a webster’s pocket dictionary, it looks old. It doesn’t have a year when it was printed. It say’s it was condensed from the original dictionary by Noah Webster, LL.D. Then it has typed below by William G. Webster (son of Noah Webster). It has gold type covering around the out side of the pages. Can you help out it would be well appreciate thanks.
Can you tell me the approximate value of a book I just picked up at an estate sale.
The Popular American Dictionary of the English Language by Donahue and Henneberry & Co 1890.
Thank you,
Hello! I just found a copy of the same dictionary at a thrift store. No copyright date, but what I have found is the publisher, Donohue, Henneberry & Co., reprinted copyrighted material and sold bound volumes for cheap. I doubt the book is worth much, but it sure is fun to look through! Just learned in the geographical section that the word “Chicago” is the French form of an Indian word signifying a skunk! Also, an onion, from “it’s strong and disagreeable odor”! How fascinating is that! Worth the $1 I spent on the book!?
I have a copy of pride and prejudice with no date. It’s signed by a woman I believed to have lived in the early 1800’s. It’s a dark crimson color with a small design in the middle of the front cover and was published by the henneberry co in Chicago. It might be missing a page but I just can’t tell. Thanks
The Henneberry Company first appears in the Lakeside Chicago city directories in 1901, located at 409-429 South Dearborn.The company was initially known as Donohue & Henneberry. The publisher’s original location was 407-429 Dearborn St. in Chicago’s South Loop. The company was known for inexpensive editions of popular works of fiction.
I have a copy of pir vilayat’s sufi masters. I am wondering what it’s worth and have not found it anywhere so far. Can you help?
Hard to tell without publisher/year of publication. 1971 edition with a dust jacket is quite valuable.
I have Johnson’s dictionary 1773, both volumes. Unfortunately my grandmother was compulsive about writing her name in books. Would a name inside the front cover greatly affect value?
Any type of writing besides an author signature or author notes are likely to affect the book’s value. Sometimes writing from a significant previous owner may add to the value if it is considered an important contribution. The good news for you is that older volumes are less devalued by previous owner signatures than modern editions.
I have a 1868 Websters high school dictionary. Any value to it?
Not much interest in old, scarce dictionaries.
1897 Specimen copy of Twice Told Tales by Hawthorne. Can you tell me the value?
What is the value of a 1903 copy of Pride and Prejudice that says, “PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE PRESS OF THE PUBLISHERS.” ? Thanks!
I have a copy of Joseph Yahuda’s Hebrew is Greek that I am prepared to sell.
I saw your old noticw about Hebrew is Greek. Did you dispose of it.? I understand that it is quite valuable and very rare. Did you sell it and how much did you receive for it?
i NEED a copy of 1894/1895 Pride & Prejudice… peacock edition.
400$ MAX …..
please ASAP Anyone….
[email protected]
I have a collection of very old magazines, the oldest dating back 101 years old, that I’ve always been curious about. Would you happen to know the value of (or could possibly lead me in the right direction as to where I might be able to find out more info about):
“The Literary Digest” (the earliest edition I have is dated November 29, 1913 Vol. 47, No.22 and I believe the oldest editions I have may be from 1923). I have about 2 dozen publications from them dated within that 10 year time frame, most of them between 1913 and 1918.
I also have several other magazines like “The Delineator” which the dates range from 1921-1929, a few “Good Housekeeping” magazines with the oldest dated October, 1918, a few “Vogues” from around 1931, a “The Ladies Home Journal” from July 1921, and several other types of magazines published in the 1920’s.
I love all of the ads- from buying a Roadster or Studebaker for $960 to the 1920’s Cosmopolitan where the first 10 PAGES only had ads for private, boarding, and military schools for children! 🙂
I have the first volume of Johnson’s Dictionary, 2nd edition and would be interested to know its value
Second American edition? Which publisher?
I believe that it is the first volume of the English second edition. It appears to have been published by the following:
J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley
I’ve been unable to find the definitive word on this, but I’m curious about the value of an 1899 copy of The Origin of Species. It’s the green cover (I believe there’s a brown cover version as well), fifty-sixth thousand (is this the number of copies printed in this edition?), published Lonon: John Murray, Albemarle Street. Printed by William Clowes and Sons. There is no dust cover. Can you offer any help?
I have a copy of the 1899 edition of Flowers Of Piety size about 2 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches. in near mint condition. The black and gold cover still shine and pages are all intact, spine has never even been cracked. Also still in the original black box lined with cloth (box well worn but still completely intact).
Curious to find out an approx. value as there is no appraisers near me to go to. This book was given to my grandfather when he was a kid by his dad and purchased brand new back then, has been in family since.
Flowers Of Piety had quite a few publishers. Who published your copy?
I have a copy of the origin of species by Charles Darwin first edition published by Literary classics Inc New York the Jacket of the book was put on upside down any value for this book?
Not really.
I have an 1877 copy of Twice – Told Tales by Charles Dickens . Its Harper & Brothers , US . Can’t find out any information about the original publication or value . Can you help ?
Thanks .
Harper & Brothers published Harper’s Monthly Magazine, which was established in 1850 and re-printed most of the tales of Dickens.
Twice-told Tales was originally published in London by Bradbury & Evans in 1846 with the title “Pictures from Italy”. First edition in good condition is worth over $1000.
I have an 1856 edition of Webster’s Dictionary in fair condition. What would it be worth and where would I sell it?
Dictionaries have not appreciated in value relative to other old book categories with the exception of 18th century dictionaries which are quite valuable. A 1773 dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson sold for $7,725 last year on-line.
Hi – I have a red leather bound, gold edge, Poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oxford University Press, 1914 book.
Any idea of price?
Thanking you.
Geoff. New Zealand
Some of the 19th century collections of Emerson’s works are quite scarce and valuable.
I am in posssession of 11 hard cover books by Ralph Waldo Emerson one of which is titled English Traits it is copywritten 1883 1884 the others are of similar times,is there a value for these books in xf condition ?
I have a copy of Darwin’s seminal work “The Origin of Species” (it’s title lacks the “On”) that seems to be the similar to a previous above poster. Your advice to him that it was a common copy of the work and that there should be a ISBN number that would help him trace the book. However, in my copy there is no date stamp or ISBN number to be found anywhere in the volume. The only defining marks printed in the book are it was printed by Literary Classics, INC | New York. There is an inscription inside the front cover that reads “Alice Brusadin, April 1944” written in ink.
Any idea of the original publishing date of this book and it’s relative value, if any. Of course there is the value that a biology nerd like myself found a 70-year old copy of “On The Origin of Species” in great condition for $0.50 in a thrift store.
Thanks in an advance for you help,
I believe the book you are referring to can be viewed at the following location:
I have a complete volume set of Charles dickens, Dickens works. They are from the 1800’s. I also have a set of grimms fairy tails, copyright 1925. How can I find out the value?
Please read our post on this topic – https://rarebooksdigest.com/2011/04/28/determining-a-rare-book%e2%80%99s-fair-value/
Also you can provide more details such as title/author/publisher/year of publication/other special attributes etc. for our expert appraisers to base their analysis on.
I have a copy of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice from 1894. It is the Hugh Thomson Illustrated Large Paper (hand made Arnold Paper) with the illustrations on the tissue (or rice) paper that are pasted inside. It was issued in conjunction with what is known as the Peacock edition in 1894 but was actually offered in limited edition (via subscription) prior to the release of the Peacock edition. It is known that 250 copies were printed for England and another 25 copies for America.
Here is where I hope you can help me. I am 100% confident that the copy I have is one of the 25 printed for America. I can find many examples offered for sale on the internet but ALL of them are definitely one of the 250 printed for England. Some of the ASKING PRICES are absurd to say the least (6,000-11,000 us) and I am aware that a book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I would like to know if you are aware of any other EXISTING copies that are also one of the 25 printed for America? There must be another in someone’s possession someplace? I am not necessarily looking to sell my copy but I would like to have an idea as to what its TRUE value might be. I consider my copy to be in very good condition with no rips, tears or markings and in it’s original cover/binding.
Thank you for any insight you can provide.
Do you have any photos of the book that you can share?
Yes, I have a few photos of the book. However I do not see a way to upload them to the site nor do I see email contact address information on your website. Please provide me with a email address or similar so that I can get them sent to you.
Here are a few photos I took awhile back of my copy of Pride and Prejudice from 1894. As you know, it’s the Large Paper issue (handmade unbleached Arnold paper) and it was offered in advance sale of the more common “Peacock” version. In the Nov. 3, 1894 issue of “The Athenaeum” on page 591 under the heading of “George Allen’s Announcements” George announces the new edition of Pride and Prejudice (later known as the “Peacock” edition). There is a footnote that reads as follows:…… “The Large-Paper Copies on Arnold’s Unbleached Hand-made Paper, which are all taken up, will be ready shortly.” What he meant by “all taken up” was that all 275 copies (250 England and 25 America) were already spoken for (advance ordered).
The following is an explaination of how I understand my copy to be one of the 25 that were printed for America. Of all copies I can find online for sale or otherwise the title page has only the London Publisher George Allen listed and includes his address of “Ruskin House. 156. Charing Cross Road”. Also these copies have “George Allen” in Gold Gilt print along the bottom edge of the outer spine. As you can see in my photos, the copy I have has listed on the title page ” New york: Macmillan & Co.” and below that it says “London: George Allen” with no address shown. Also the outer spine has no mention of George Allen, I assume because there is more than one Publisher associated with this printing? I also assume, rather than add Macmillan & Co. they decided to just obmit any Publishers name on the outer spine?

I can not seem to find (using the internet searches) one reference to a known copy that is one of the 25 printed for America. I have spent countless hours searching the web and have found all sorts of good information regarding this 1894 Illustrated Large Paper Copy but everything leads to photos and descriptions of the ones printed for England. I understand that essentually its still just one of 275 books printed and that there is virtually no difference between a England and an American copy but these were considered to be “limited edition” so therefore AN EFFORT WAS MADE to distinguish between the ones printed for England and the ones printed for America by making a few changes to the title page and the outer spine. And reference was made to the effect inside the book that “250 copies were printed for England and 25 copies for America.” I am interested in knowing how many other of the “American copies” are in existance? Since I can not find reference of any online I would assume that there might not be many “known” copies still out there? Also would anyone have a general idea as to what the value of the book might be?
Thank you in advance for any insight that you might be able to provide me regarding this book.
How can you know what year a book was published if there is no copyright information?
Great question. In fact it inspired some of our contributors to produce a new article on the topic. Please watch for it in the near future.
Please read:
We have an 1846 Volume 1 Charles Darwin Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World – Volume 1 of 2 Volumes -Hardcover –
Is it rare or valuable – Where could you suggest to get information on this book.
Third edition likely. You can try contacting Ian Hodgkins & Co Ltd at [email protected].
I have a 13 volume set of Dickens’ Works from 1868, globe edition. (I believe the latter releases feature a 14th book once Edwin Drood came out) I know they released three other editions and that the Globe Edition was the most affordable at the time, however, I can find very little additional information. Any idea of value or a good resource on the books?
Thank you very much!
Can you please post your question under the appropriate Dickens feature to maximize its exposure? Thank you.
1912 original Titanic h cover book red. With the list of the dead in the back and the captain picture blackn white i wanna sell it!!! Approximate value great condition! Also great condition Justine by marque De Sade.
I purchased a book this weekend and was hoping you could tell me something about it.?
There is no copyright inside.
Its by Hawthorne: Best Known Works (Scarlet Letter, House of 7 Gables and Twice Told Tales.)
Its dark blue with intricate silver details on bind.
Inside says ‘Literary Classics, Inc, New York.’
That’s all I can find.
Any info would be great.
The Literary Classics publisher had published a large series in condensed format from the literature works of Turgenev’s, Hawthorne’s and Voltaire’s and others during the 1940’s.
I have 2 paperbooks, one signed older and the second is of lately, of Umberto Eco with some ugly stains on cover and pageedge. Should I give them to a professional book restorator/repairer or leave them untouched, “as it is”? The older one is very expensive in some bookstore but without the stain.
Another hardcover’s dustjacket of Eco’s early years books (very very expensive as signed) is chipped – my same question.
Thank you very much
Moshe, it all depends on what these books are for. Also, restoring a damaged book will prolong its life.
I have a nice copy of Culepper’s Herbal dated 1669, Can you give an estimate please.
Priceless! Meaning its rarity in the marketplace gives no data to base an estimate on.
i have a copy of charles darwins the origin of species published by Literary Classics inc., printed in New York
but it does not have a print or copyright date It also says printed in the United States of America
An early American reprint, probably around the 1910s. No jacket I assume, minimal value.
thank you sir and or madam
I have a 1868 webster’s high school dictionary, does this have any value
Less than $50.00
I have a 1890 fifty fifth Second Edition Dictionary For the Pocket French and English English and French. Both Divisions on same Page By John Bellows. Steam,Press, Gloucester.
It is a small sized dictionary with a hardcover in a good condition with a few ink stains. Value? Thanks a lot.
Earlier editions of this dictionary have been selling for about $20 or less in pretty much the same condition as the one you describing.
Looking at a first edition Training of the Human Plant, 1907, by Luther Burbank. Inscribed by Burbank on front endpaper, dated June 1, 1907. Condition probably very good, small stains. Value? Thanks in advance.
At least $200. Special interest groups in botany, horticulture may be willing to bid more than that.
I have a 1903 edition of Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson first series. Value?
Assuming this is the Houghton Mifflin publication, the first printing in good condition is worth over $100.
We have a 1773 edition of Samuel jOhnson Dictionary (4th edition revised by author). Can you tell me ow much this is worth?
Could be worth anywhere from $500 to $5,000 depending on condition.
I have a German edition of Albert Schweiter’s Joh. Seb. Bach, 1908. The pages are yellow and the end page (totally blank) have a tear. Is there any value to this book? Other thank being pretty cool! Thank you…
Market value between $100-300.
Thank you…
I have a 1952 First Edition of The Gathering Darkness by Thomas Gallagher, inscribed by the author. There is no dust cover but the book is in good condition. I have seen no other copies of this book online, which seems a bit strange to me.
Can you estimate a value of this book?
The book with a dust-jacket is priced at $20-50 by some booksellers. The author’s inscription is a plus but the missing dust-wrapper is a problem.
Have a universal home and school dictionary from the Winston company dated 1916 and the hill readers book one from ginn and company dated 1913. Any value ?
I have a 3 volume set of a first edition publication in English of La Chartreuse De Parme by Stendhal Number 288 published in 1895 by George H. Richmond Company New York in good condition. Can you estimate what this set might be worth should I decide to sell it? Thanks.
Between $300-$800
Hey I have a pride and prejudice pocket book published in 1908 it is in great condition I was wondering the value. I also have a copy of the virginian publishes in 1917 that I would also like to know the value of. Thank you in advance.
I have a set of books of Jane Austen, V1 through V3 and other titles, but i dont know if there genuine first edition or reprints how can i tell what they are, the binding has come apart the lether is not seeing at all but the art work inside and all the print is legible and without marks or wear, just the binding of the book, would it make it less worthy to fix it or leave as is. There dated 1813, from the Temple Edition with a red lam with a flag? havent seeing that?
thank you,
jose villasenor
The Temple edition was published towards the end of the 19th century by J. M. Dent, London. The books are worth a few hundred US dollars.
I have an 1872 The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. both volumes I and II .. any value?
About $100 for each volume depending on condition.
I have a 1892 the life of christ by Frederic W , Farrar and the publication by Cassell and Company ,But i cant find another like it anywhere online i guess it has something to do with the switch cassell made with something to do with fictional books..HELP
Hello, I have an 1871 Vol 2 copy of The Descent of Man by Darwin which I purchased at a library sale. (The book has a book plate from the Nebraska State Historical Society and their stamp “Withdrawn From Nebraska State Historical Society” – both on the bookplate and the title page. The spine also has a call number affixed.) Any idea of value and a dealer?
Thanks – Martha Vestecka Miller
Difficult to assess without publisher and issue. Ideally a first issue from John Murray, London is more desirable. Also the fact that it is just one of the two volume set with library stamps makes it less attractive. It should still be worth some money depending on condition. You should try to sell to a collector rather than a dealer.
i found a Charles Darwin book in good condition,it has no cotent page and no date it just says the origin of species….he write of the date 1859 in the intedution page…and literary classics, inc New York….no pages are missing and i can’t fine this book on any website..is this a one of a kind….thanks
Relatively common. It should have an ISBN number you can do a search with.
Could you give an approximate value of Charles Darwins The Origin of the Species Vol 1&2 Printed by D. Appleton&co. 1899. I would say the book are in very good condition
Prices of previous sales range from a little over one hundred to a few hundred USD.
Contributor images and videos are in the works. Our site is strictly educational, informational at this point. No commerce please.
I have an 1868 edition of Dunglisons Medical Dictionary. Value?
Depending on condition, $50-$100. Thanks for asking.