The Rare Books of Hunter Thompson

August 28, 2015
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Here is a question for all Hunter Thompson collectors out there: If you had to choose between being the proud owner of Thompson’s first or second book which would you choose? The choice, of course, is between Thompson’s famous 1967 Hell’s Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs or the 1971 […]

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Rare Books Digest Sentiment Analysis

August 13, 2015
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Based on an analysis of the interaction we have received over the last two years, on our public-facing social media: Linked-In, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blog comments and Pinterest, we have prepared the Static Four Quadrant chart exhibited below. Data received through Facebook and Twitter is the primary source of standard follower activity (y-axis), whereas social […]

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Book conservation / Book restoration: Deciding upon a course of action

July 30, 2015
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Book repair, book restoration, book preservation, book conservation or do nothing at all. With a worn or damaged book in hand, the choices for treatment (or no treatment) may seem bewilderingly complex. Add to this the contradictory advice and opinions offered by different authorities, it may seem impossible to come up with a ‘best’ course […]

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Rare Book Sale Monitor Update – 2nd Quarter 2015

July 17, 2015
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In the midst of the Greece crisis reaching yet another boiling point, the RBSM recorded little or no change in ancient, classical Greek authors’ works covering history, science, geography, philosophy and literature. It has definitely not been the type of economic event with significant impact on antiquarian books. The supply of ancient Greek books got […]

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Once Upon a Simpler Time

June 26, 2015
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In the midst of our current, diverse, fast paced, competitive, corporate ladder climbing, rat race of a day-to-day society, nearly every work-worn and weary individual holds in common the ability to think back to a simpler time during childhood where anything and everything was possible between the covers of a book. Throughout that small window […]

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The Bright Side of the Black Sun

June 12, 2015
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It has the chemistry of a major hit – importance, scarcity, artistic impression, controversy, and mystique. Yet the small imprint of Editions Narcisse, later renamed Black Sun, has not performed like a major hit. It all became obvious a year ago during the Sotheby’s Fine Books & Manuscripts, Including Americana, auction event, held in New […]

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Rare Book Market – An Anatomical Exercitation through the Generations

May 22, 2015
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Speculations on the future of the rare book market analyze the dynamics behind both the demand and the supply quite extensively. Demand for rare books in the United States and arguably the rest of western civilization is largely consumed by some long-standing cultural behaviors. Generalizations that are based on collector stereotypes that are broken up by […]

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Eloise from 6 to being 60 years old

May 8, 2015
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“I am Eloise. I am six.” From these six simple words, the reader is at once hurled on board a captivating and enchanting amusement park of laughter, good times, and the impish antics of one very self assured and important little girl. For countless generations, Kay Thompson’s Eloise books have delighted, enthralled and amused children […]

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Rare Book Sale Monitor update – 1st Quarter 2015

April 24, 2015
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Up until recent times, financial advisors have been reluctant to recommend “alternative” types of investments in collectibles, such as rare books, to their customers. Primary concerns circle around the factors of illiquidity, additional costs for storage, insurance, transportation and fraud. The lack of standard quantitative performance measurements comparing the long term returns of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, […]

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The Appeal of an Enigma

April 9, 2015
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A 16-page Don McLean manuscript, featuring the lyrics of the iconic song, American Pie, including the writer’s notes and an extra verse which was never recorded, was auctioned by Christie’s in New York on April 7, 2015. The manuscript achieved the 3rd highest auction price for an American literary manuscript selling for $1,205,000 (€1,109,182), including […]

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