Rare Books

One of the most valuable publications, and certainly one of the rarest books, was returned to the shelves of the library in a suburb of Sydney with 122 years delay. The officials of the institution could not believe their eyes, when they got their hands on the first edition of “Insectivorous Plants’, Insect eating Plants, […]

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Today it is father’s day and everybody is looking for a gift, a special gift, to give to his/her father. But fathers have everything. So the question is what to buy for the special father. We dare to suggest: Give him a rare book. Rare and precious books are always appreciated by all fathers because […]


Rare Books – The Passion

by Admin on May 15, 2011

 The collection of old and rare publications such as books, magazines, and newspapers has many loyal friends. The reasons why one deals with collecting rare books varies and are certainly different from person to person. The large group of rare book collectors reads everything, especially old editions which have been exhausted and have become unavailable for many years now. Some of the rare books […]


The Stock market is not the only market where one can find “blue chips’’. Also equities, bonds, and mutual funds are not the only forms of investment securities. Similarly, auctions are not just for government bonds. The rare books, personal files of important persons and old and rare magazines consist, for a rather limited number of people, […]


Between 1957 and 1961, Nelson Doubleday publishers, contributed the most amazing children’s books encapsulating the classical stories of the time with contributions by some of the better known illustrators and artists of our times. This was a very important series as it contained much original material from 7 Newberry Winners and illustrations from 8 Caldecott Winners. It […]


The definition of a “first edition” and the categorization of a book as a “first edition”, have long been loosely coupled to disassociate a book’s true value from such a classification. Fredson Thayer Bowers, an American bibliographer and scholar of textual editing, gave us the modern definition of a “first edition” in his book Principles […]