Rare Book Education

In a recent article, Rare Books: What makes them rare, we mentioned the nine reasons a book may become rare and in demand,with a high  monetary value. One of the nine reasons mentioned was Scarcity. Scarcity is the factor that has driven the value to the book, ‘’Hebrew is Greek’’  by Joseph Ezekiel Yahuda, to […]


It has been more than 200 years since the birth of Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), and more than 150 years since the first publication of his incredibly rare book, On the Origin of Species. London: John Murray 1859.  Arguably, one of the most influential seminal works of the nineteenth century, it describes the theory of evolution […]


What makes a rare book rare?  For any commodity to be called rare, scarce, or hard to come by,  the fundamental economics law of supply and demand is the primary factor. The higher its demand vs its supply the rarer of a commodity it becomes and that should result in higher pricing. Different commodities become rare for different […]


Rare religious books have high value not only in a monetary sense, but in a sentimental way as well. Their sentimental value increases even more if they have come from the holy land, or perhaps the country of the family’s ancestors. In our rare religious books article, the value of several rare books that were sold over the past years were listed in […]


One of the hardest tasks for a seller or owner of an antiquarian book collection, is evaluating or determining a book’s fair value. Whether preparing to sell or appraise your books for any reason, the unique attributes inherent in the world of rare books, deems the task “approximate”. Finding out a book’s current value, in […]


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by Admin on March 13, 2011

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