Rare Book Education

It is not uncommon for people with book collections to harbor concern towards the new generation’s lack of interest in picking up a hobby such as rare book collecting. The old assumption that a collection would remain in the family and that the family’s “library” would accumulate with each generation is sadly a thing of […]

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In an 1867 publication of a rare book entitled Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (Capital: Critique of Political Economy), Karl Marx (1818-1883) declared that capitalism is the exploitation of labor  by employers who own the capital assets, and ultimately profit from surplus value derived from uncompensated labor.  The Prussian philosopher’s revolutionary, socio-economic ideas played […]

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Rare Books of History

by Admin on May 6, 2012

One of the most important rare book collections is the one that concerns rare history books. Historic events such as wars between nations, government policies and practices of justice have shaped our world over the ages. Without historic documentation, our most celebrated milestones in the history of mankind would have been long forgotten, misinterpreted or […]


Smart Rare Book Collecting

by Pete on April 12, 2012

I was watching an episode of the TV show Pawn Stars the other day, where a man sold a book potentially owned by Sir Isaac Newton to a pawn star for $7000. The rare book published in Latin in 1546 is titled De Natura Fossilium (On the Nature of Fossils), and is by Georgius Agricola. […]


As we get more involved in the rare books world, it becomes apparent how little we know, and how much more there is to learn about the amazing world of books. All of a sudden our outcry tends to become, “I want to be a better rare book lover!” In this context, better means more […]


Have you been bitten by the bug yet? The rare book collecting bug that is. Once bitten, the unsuspecting individual is euphorically transfused with a passion for observing and collecting old master and modern firsts, literary and music manuscripts, illuminated texts, or early examples of the printed book. Another telltale sign of the bug is […]


Rare Books 102

by AndreChevalier on January 30, 2012

We continue our educational series on collecting rare books with some additional insights specific to the storage of rare, old, antiquarian and vintage books. In our introductory write-up entitled “Rare Books 101,” we provided a summary of topics pertinent to book collecting to get one familiar with the terminology and broad aspects of the art […]


Rare Books 101

by AndreChevalier on January 16, 2012

The question of where to begin reading more about rare books is an enigmatic query faced by many individuals who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the fascinating rewards that are inevitably attained in the world of rare, old and vintage books. We believe that a short introduction with a 101 post on rare books […]


Whether you are in the market for a rare comic book purchase or are perhaps always on the lookout for a great buying opportunity, may we suggest that you start by reading our article on “rare comic books and what makes them valuable.”  It contains some great tips on what to look for in collectible […]


What do Christmas and rare vintage books have in common?  The answer is …the famous first edition of the Charles Dickens book – A Christmas Carol.  This immortal novel written by Charles Dickens is easily one of the most loved Christmas stories ever written, while the scarcity of its first edition has given some fortunate book collectors a […]