Rare Book Education

As a bibliophile school teacher, a strong fondness for the world of academia and learning continues to resonate in my heart as each academic year goes fleeting by. This love has propelled me to take every opportunity that I can to engage in a learning atmosphere, even during my summer breaks. This summer I decided […]


We all have come across books that are in bad condition. Books that have suffered the consequences of exposure to one or more of the enemies of paper books, such as water, mold, smoke, dirt, direct sunlight, dust, insects, bad shelving and so forth. As any rare book collector should be familiar with, some of […]


It was given a catchy name “The Last Book Sale” and it was promoted as “The shelf-lot auction of the century!”  Author Larry McMurtry’s legendary Booked Up Inc. stores #2, #3 and #4 were sold at a public auction on-site in Archer City, Texas on August 10th and 11th. Approximately 300,000 books in over 1500 […]


The rare “Block Books”

by Admin on August 9, 2012

If someone asked you to explain the principle of supply and demand, could you do it? What if someone asked you to apply the principle to explain the current state of the rare book market, would you be able to? The latter may not be as simple to explain by using the basic theory of […]

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As every rare book seller knows, pricing a book to market is often one of the most difficult tasks performed in the trade. Prices set too low may mean that there is additional revenue that could be earned if the potential collector is willing to spend more to acquire the book. On the contrary, prices […]


Rare Books Digest occasionally hosts opinions and views of international book trade professionals such as this week’s contributor, book restorer, Alexandros Deligiorgis Bibliodesia in Greece (http://www.facebook.com/bibliodesia).     To my mind, book restoring should not be considered an ordinary job, just a means of livelihood and nothing more than that. It serves our cultural heritage. […]


The rarest comic books around are usually those whose story incorporates a real life event or depicts the significance of change in the real world. Such comic books are often sought after either by comic book collectors or by people collecting particular memorabilia of that specific event. For example, the horrific attacks on 9/11 understandably […]

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Certain special issue numbers of comic books are a rarity that are often sought out by a great deal of collectors. As far as certain comic books go, they will only reach that particular milestone once, and when they do they will brazenly proclaim the fact with nice enticing covers, special variants, and much more. Issue […]

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As another government, Syria’s Bashar Assad, resolves to violent crackdown on anti-government protests for survival, one rare book – Nicholas Machiavel’s Prince (Niccolo Machiavelli Il Principe), seems to be directing his actions. The core formulation of the book is that the end justifies the means and in government the end is controlled by the wickedness […]


     It is a truth universally acknowledged…that it is the habitual human tendency to tuck away nearby photographs, letters, and other articles into the pages of a beloved book. Whether these objects are placed among the pages for the sole purpose of marking one’s progress in the book, or to perhaps protect a valuable paper […]

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